Bad, No; Good, Yes

Good evening guys!

Today after school, my friend and I were waiting for her parents to fetch us home as usual.

They ended up coming quite late, so we sat on the seats outside of the school while waiting. The sky got darker and the gloomy clouds had one of those meetings they always have before discharging water simultaneously.

A strong, breezy wind blew and I felt like I was enveloped in God’s love.

Lots of leaves got blown up by the wind and one of them landed on my lap. Before that, I was wondering about whether I made the correct decision to cut off a relationship that I regard as toxic.

As I held on to the leaf which landed on my lap, I looked at the leaves around me and realized that the strong wind mostly blew away those half-dead/dying, yellow-coloured leaves from the tree instead of those healthy green leaves.

I took these pictures when I got home from school.
Someone looked at me like I was crazy when I was carefully storing it in my bag heh.

I learned that we are just like the tree, and the half-dead/dying, yellow leaves are our flaws and imperfections. The strong wind is events that helped shape our tree into a better tree by ridding it of the bad leaves.

We shouldn’t hold on to stuff that won’t do us any good and would harm us. Always be on the lookout for those type of stuff be it people, situations, things and stuff. When you do let go, be joyful and don’t doubt your decision, because your tree is looking good mate!

Some quotes about people around you (Credits to the rightful owners):

Does your tree have yellow leaves? If so, what are your yellow leaves? What is something you can do today to make and shape your tree into a better one?

Have a nice day, dearest friends.

By Stella Lee

Sup, I'm a 17-year-old lass from Malaysia. Blogging to connect with people of the same interests as mine and looking to make friends. Currently studying in SMK Puteri Titiwangsa (transferred this year from SM Kuen Cheng).

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