Happy Saturday friends!
This is a celebratory post to celebrate Quod Puella’s move from Blogger to WordPress. Quod Puella started on April 3, 2022, on the Blogger platform and it was completely moved to WordPress on May 12, 2022, which was the day before yesterday.

The journey from my first blog on Blogger to the move to WordPress took exactly 40 days.

When I was using Blogger, my domain name used to be https://superstarstella.blogspot.com/. Now my new blog website is https://advenbit.com/stella/. The website https://advenbit.com/ is actually my dad’s, but he created a subdirectory for my blog, hence the part “stella/” at the end.

As you can see, there are still lots of stuff that need work and polishing. I’ll work hard on improving this site and the blogs!

Very thankful and grateful to be able to blog on WordPress and thanks to my dad too!