How’s your day going, my friends?
Yesterday (18/8/2023) I went to the largest hospital in Malaysia! It was an eye-opening and meaningful trip for me. Many people have good and bad experiences with the government hospitals here. I would like to share my own experience and I hope my dear Malaysians will not lose hope in our public healthcare system.

In the beginning, I was having some issues with my nose, so my mom brought me to the governement clinic for a check-up. Note: you have to be at least 18 years old, else you must be accompanied by your parent/guardian.

Honestly, there was a lot of patients. We arrived at around 8:15am (they open at 8). The flow: filled in some forms, medical assistant took my blood pressure and asked about my situation, paid RM 1 (cashless only), waited for about 20 minutes to see the doctor.

The doctor was really sweet. After my meeting with her, she wrote a referral letter for me to go to the HKL specialist clinic. HKL, here we come!

By the time we arrived at HKL, it’s around 10:30 to 10:45am. So far, the procedure was quite smooth and fast despite the notorious waiting time.

The hospital is not big, it’s BIGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!

The walk from the new parking lot to the Kompleks Pakar & Rawatan Harian (SCACC) AKA specialist clinic block was long, so I advise everyone to park at the SCACC parking lot instead of the new one if you’re going to SCACC. Don’t park so far like my mom and I 😂😂😂.

We went to the Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) specialist clinic. It is located on the 6th floor. The queue was crazy long and the nurse told me to come back at 2:45pm. Side note: I was wondering if my doctor knew how to spell the word “otorhinolaryngology”. I don’t even know how to pronounce it. Normally people refer it as “ENT”, which stands for Ear, Nose, Throat.

I bought a cup of hot chocolate using my mom’s money while we were leaving.

Went back to HKL by myself at 2:45pm. Got to meet my doctor after around 20 minutes. Doctor ran me through a test which is him poking into my nose using a stick with camera, looking for any abnormalities inside.

Doctor found nothing, then proceeded to look into my mouth and ears. Luckily, doctor said that there was no polyp inside of me and doctor diagnosed me as allergic rhinitis (nose allergy). I was prescribed with nasal sprays and loratadine.

When it was my turn, the pharmacist asked if I knew how to use a nasal spray. I answered “no”, so she gave a demonstration and explained to me. After pharmacist was done explaining the prescriptions to me, I asked her whether the nasal sprays contain steroids. She said yes.

I told her that I don’t want to take meds with PEDs (performance enhancing drugs). Fortunately the other med, loratadine, doesn’t contain any of those. She told me to wait, because she wanted to call my doctor for permission to excuse me from nasal sprays.

Doctor gave us the green light, so I ended up taking only the loratadine back home with me. Pharmacist gave me 60 tablets, one per day. I am due to go back in two months for restock.

I really enjoyed my time at both places, especially HKL! In my experience, my doctor, pharmacist and nurses were really kind and sweet to me. Everything was settled within 8 hours, thank God I didn’t have any issues with the waiting time or the long queue. I hope to be back soon in mid-October for meds restock. I am genuinely really grateful for cheap and great healthcare. The hospital didn’t charge me anything at all.

My country is the best to me. I am grateful for the cheap, ultra affordable and best healthcare provided by all the staffs involved. I WANT TO BE A NURSE!

Friends, tell me in the comments what are your experiences with gomen klinik kesihatan/hopsital. I would love to hear ’em!