Good musical day, my friend!
MPO series:
-> Part 0 – Picture Diary
-> Part 1 – The School of Gorgeous People (p.s. you’re reading it right now!)
-> Part 2 – Colourful People of MPO
-> Part 3 – Musical Meditation
In the previous entry, I mentioned about 30 foreigners standing at the hall entrance. I was transfixed and in awe.

I felt a bit intimidated at first, but I summoned up my courage and talked to the nearest girl beside me.

If I remembered correctly (details are hazy now), the girl said that she’s 14 and they are all from England.

Next, I glanced around and noticed a group of girls, so I went ahead and talked to them. They were really, really nice, I love them so much! <3!

The girls say that they are on a musical tour. They are part of the school’s orchestra and they performed in two places.

Not all of the school’s orchestra members came; only a portion of the orchestra attended. Among those who came, they were all aged between 14 and 18.

I met the principal of Oundle school! Her name is Mrs. Sarah. Mrs. Sarah’s husband came along as well, and he also teaches at Oundle.

The girls talked to me about their teachers. I saw the head of singing and the other was the head of strings (violin). It was Mr. Warden’s (head of strings) birthday on that day, what a surprise!

For the next leg of their musical tour, they’ll be heading to Bangkok, Thailand.

The girls were really nice and fun to talk to. They shared a lot about the orchestra, and I learned many many things.

They asked for my name and after I told them my name, I was debating whether I should ask for theirs.

At the end I didn’t, because it was a big group and I don’t think I could remember so many names. They were actually expecting me to ask for their names. When I didn’t, they genuinely looked disappointed, not a bit, but by a huge margin…

Moving on…
It was my first time going to an orchestra open rehearsal. To be honest, if it weren’t for the girls and Oundle School, I wouldn’t be enjoying myself as much. My experience was enlightened by them and I’m truly grateful. ❤️

One of the girls (Cicely Bartlett, I Googled her name) asked if I’ve been to England before.
I said no, because I don’t have money.
Her reply: “Oh, it’s okay. You’re not missing out on much anyway.”

I asked Mr. Warden if I could join them to watch the rehearsal together.
He said of course!
I ended up sitting next to the head girl (the head boy didn’t come, LOL)! THE head girl of Oundle School! What a unique experience for me!! 😀

They mentioned about the food and how they love it so much.
The head girl said that her favourite dish is kuey tiaw! She said it’s like noodles, hehe.

Then we started talking about the musical instruments we play.
A girl called Cecilia Kilpatrick (I Googled her name too) said she plays the cello.

I asked, “Do you wear a dress?”
She replied yes.
I proceeded to ask her the million-dollar question, “Then won’t others be able to see your panties?”
She laughed and assured me that her dress is long enough to cover that part.

Truly, I learnt a lot from them.
They taught me about double bass, cello, viola and violin.

The girls say that some people play the double bass whilst standing as it the intrument is simply too big. However, during the rehearsal, I remember the double bassists were sitting.

Double bass is HUGE! I wonder how much it weighs?
Double bass is one octave lower than the cello.
Viola is one octave lower that the violin and is slightly longer.

When I asked one of the girls (a violist) about who her favourite person on stage is. She said that her favourite is the lead violist, who sits on the front row, third seat from the left.

I learned about something called a harpsichord? It’s like a piano except it’s not.

Electric guitar is part of the orchestra too!! That was shocking.

Overall, it was a magical experience being with the girls and Oundle School. It feels like a fantasy and dream to me. I miss them and I hope they are all doing well! The head girl said “It was nice meeting you, Stella.” (she remembers my name!) She also said “See you when I see you.” I hope we can all meet again one day.

Next up in the MPO series: Part 2 – Colourful People of MPO.
Two more insights:
– I didn’t take any pictures with them, but they are all memories kept in my heart ❤️🔥.
– I did ask them for Queen’s money, but sadly they don’t have any on them at the time (England changed from Queen’s money to King’s money since the death of the Queen).