Notes of welcome to you!
I attended an event at the KLPAC on a Friday night, November 17, 2023. The KLPAC Symphony Band had a performance scheduled at 8:30 pm.

I went to the performance to watch my senior (from HS) perform. My senior plays the flute. I think she played very beautifully. My senoir can play the piano too! She’s a music teacher of both the flute and the piano.

My senior was the arranger of a Pokémon Medley that was performed on that night, and it was MIND BLOWING!! I can’t believe it; it was so epic!

As the conductor was introducing my senior as the arranger before the start of the Pokémon Medley, her mom proudly exclaimed, “She’s my daughter!”

After the performance ended, I approached her mom (who was sitting in the row in front of me) and politely asked if I could have a brief conversation with her daughter. Her family enthusiastically said yes.

I greeted her, gave her a Kisses white chocolate and she signed my book! Hehe 😁.

That’s when I noticed she’s left-handed. I wondered about how she plays the flute. I’m gonna ask her about it next time when we meet. We conversed for a while, exchanged hugs and then I excused myself.

I accidentally exited through the wrong door (as if it’s the first time) and found myself in the backstage area AHHHH. I got lost in the “maze,” and there was a sign that read “authorized personnel only.” Obviously, I’m an authorized personnel; how else would I be there? Surprisingly, no one rebuked me.

I asked a gentleman, a musician apparently, for directions. He mentioned he’s leaving, so I followed him out.

I noticed he was carrying this huge thing on his back.
This prodded me to ask, “What instrument do you play?”
He replied, “Tuba.”
Me being me, I was mind blown and exclaimed, “Wow, you’re so awesome!”
However, he didn’t look impressed at all. I wonder why.

On a side note, I observed that during the performance, the percussionists were all moving around at the back and it seems to me like they knew how to play every single percussion instruments. It was really cool watching them moving around and changing to different instruments in a beat (pun unintended).

Two members of the band, one of whom is my senior, each arranged a song and they were super creative. The songs featured solo parts, sudden escalation, excitement, vocal elements, clapping, and the use of special instruments, which I’d never seen before!

Overall, it was a blessing for me to be there! I didn’t understand the songs being played – mainly because it was targeted to the millennial audience. I feel really happy that I could meet my senior! <3