Good harmony day, friends of strings!
I went to a musical chamber showcase on Tuesday, November 28, 2023.

Honestly, I was quite tired that night and I was struggling with indecisiveness on whether I should go or not.

At last, I decided to go and quickly got dressed. There was a pre-concert talk at 7:30pm, and I made it into the hall at around 7:32 pm.

I’ll be brutally honest with you – I totally did not understand what was going on throughout the entire musical chamber showcase.

I didn’t understand the classical songs being played, I didn’t understand the musical nuances etc etc. I even fell asleep quite a few times… I still enjoyed it nonetheless.

After the showcase, I planned on going home immediately. There was just one problem though – I couldn’t get a Grab… TWICE. That was when I decided to stay back a bit in hopes of meeting the violinist who caught my eye.

I set a timer for 7 minutes, telling myself that if it ran out before I met the violinist, I’d head straight home.
Guess what?
The timer did indeed run out, but then another thought struck me. What if I just stayed back for one more minute? Maybe I could meet her if I lingered just a little longer!

This is a happy story, and alas, I finally met the violinist!
I asked, ‘What should I call you?’
She answered, ‘Call me Miss Ming.’

In the pre-concert talk I mentioned earlier, Miss Ming shared that she’s from Canada. She starting learning piano by the age of 3½, and started the violin at 4½.

I brought some chocolates and gave it to Miss Ming, her husband, and her daughter.
Initially, Miss Ming politely declined and said it’s alright, but I basically just shoved the chocolates into their hands.

She said me coming to the concert is the greatest gift.
I hugged both Miss Ming and her daughter.
Miss Ming wished me a good night; you bet I slept well that night!

Btw I saw Akiko! Hehehe, hope we’ll meet again soon.