
Imagegraphy excels in encrypting pictures. It allows you to hide and lock away your pictures. Encrypted pictures cannot be viewed anywhere (phone, computer or etc) unless decrypted. Pictures cannot be decrypted without the encryption key. Encryption key will be generated when you create a Stash ID in Imagegraphy. After logging in, you have the menu option to send the keys (login and encryption key) to your mailbox. There is also now a recover function added to recover encrypted files that are still intact if you have the encryption key. Each created stash ID has their own encryption key, use the available function to mail it to yourself in case you forget them later. We do not backup any of your encrypted pictures or keys for privacy's sake. If you key in a valid email in stash, you will enable the menu option function in login screen to mail you the keys if forgotten.

Things to note:

Uninstalling and reinstalling Imagegraphy changes the encryption key even if you keep the keys same. So ensure you decrypt all your pictures before uninstalling. If not, you could still use the recover function, which tries to decrypt files directly with encryption key you provided.

*Disclaimer: We will not be responsible for any lost encrypted pictures.

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